Poultry management

Poultry management

By rapidly increasing the population by raising and keeping poultry in the right ways, in addition to meeting the needs of the community for protein and white meat, the country’s economy can also be helped. Due to the high demand of the society, building a poultry farm is always a profitable business.

Some of the things that can be done as a poultry farmer in poultry houses are:

Chicken breeding, egg production, chicken meat production and…

The choice of work done in the poultry house should be selected based on capital and the amount of demand. One of the most common and most demanding jobs is raising broiler chickens.

The location of the poultry farm should be chosen in such a way that the density of livestock and poultry breeding units around it is low and also with related centers such as hatcheries, slaughterhouses, waste and poultry waste processing centers, agricultural units and especially greenhouse from livestock waste. Poultry is used as fertilizer and can transmit pathogens at appropriate distances.

Poultry management is a very sensitive matter that carelessness and negligence and lack of use of modern equipment leads to heavy losses and losses, reduced productivity, hard work, and thus reduced profitability, hence the intelligence (automation) of poultry farms Helps to manage poultry properly.

The capacity and dimensions of the hall are important in constructing a suitable poultry hall. Providing the necessary space for proper poultry breeding is essential. If the hall is small, the density of chickens will increase and the disease will spread in the herd.

On the other hand, there will be extra space in large halls that is not economically viable. To determine the density of poultry per unit area, you must consider the type of chicken, method of keeping, maximum weight and keeping period.

In raising broilers, the appropriate number is at least 12 pieces per square meter.

One of the most important issues is the health of the chickens, and poultry farmers, in consultation with the veterinarian, vaccinate the chickens at regular intervals to prevent diseases and flu.

Optical program

In industrial poultry farms equipped with intelligent broiler systems, the light and darkness of the hall are adjusted separately from day and night, and the existing systems create artificial day and night.

Proper light program improves performance, reduces mortality and improves feed conversion ratio, as well as prevents diseases such as ascites.

On the other hand, by implementing a proper light program and creating an artificial day and night, the chickens become fresher and more lively due to the simulation of breeding conditions to the natural state.

Poultry hall heating equipment

Heating devices heat the hall in different ways. Ventilation and control of breeding conditions (temperature, humidity and clean air), oxygen supply and excretion of harmful gases in birds are of particular importance. Poultry respiration system is tubular and has branches that end in air sacs and gas exchange is done during inhalation and exhalation. Therefore, proper ventilation of poultry respiration efficiency is one of the important tools to control the living conditions in the breeding hall. Therefore, ventilation is one of the most basic management elements in poultry farms.

Proper ventilation is not only a simple movement of air in the hall, but also creating the right conditions in terms of providing the oxygen needed by birds and eliminating harmful gases on the surface of birds’s body is also important.

By using the intelligent system, the concern about temperature fluctuation is eliminated and the temperature and humidity can be determined for the proper growth of the chickens according to their weight, age and breed. Information is taken from indoor temperature and humidity sensors and with Checking the temperature and humidity of the outdoor air, the devices under the control are given the necessary instructions and according to the conditions of the device room, determine the desired type of ventilation.

The use of smart poultry leads to ease in poultry management because it reduces losses, reduces the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor environment, reduces temperature fluctuations that lead to reduced fuel consumption and energy consumption will be significantly reduced.

Poultry intelligence has led to improved conversion rates due to ventilation control and temperature fluctuation control, increased poultry productivity (increased meat tonnage), reduced pollution, easier poultry jobs, reduced manpower and increased control and The system is monitored.

Feeding and drinking equipment in the poultry industry

In the poultry industry, one of the types of feed is used to feed the chickens, according to the breeding conditions. Dining rooms are usually made of plastic or galvanized iron.

Note that proper feed should be strong and easy to wash and designed to prevent sediment wastage.

The feeders used in the poultry industry are generally divided into two main groups, temporary feeders and permanent feeders. Careful management of poultry farms and the use of intelligent systems reduce human error to zero and create uniform and normal conditions. In the hall, it increases efficiency and profitability.